Abstract no. 12 -Vortex no. 2: Surface Pattern Design


Abstract no. 12 vortex no. 2, That same vortex feeling but we are interconnected at least…have a great ride! All images are copyrighted. Feel free to contact me if you would like to see more work…and you ask what would it do with this? well…I would make it into rugs, floor cloths, scarves,and shawls…maybe even towels…

Lilla Rogers Mats class and other fabulous classes coming up…

This was a terrific Surface Pattern Design course. It was really helpful in so many ways and I highly recommend it if you are interested in any sort of Surface Pattern Design Work. Check it our, part B is starting in October.  She may be running part A again soon. Good luck!

Another class I am looking into is  by Coursera-

Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society 
by Karl T. Ulrich

And  from Skillshare http://skl.sh/1aq4TtN

A Staple of Branding: How to Start Your Fashion Company

By Jeff Staple

I am just having a learning summer…Such fun..

Inspirations Japanese fabric books and sketch books..


What inspires you? I have been posting things that inspire me as of late as I am working on a  few collections. As I gather my inspirations I am posting them to share and maybe if I am lucky inspire you to find something in these images to spark your creative flame.

Fabric flowers from vintage remnants an inspiration and a weekend project….


I love this idea of making vintage flower bouquets from old laces and fabrics, bleached fabrics and left over remnants.

I have tried this before and found that if I dye fabric and then string the bottom edge to form a ruffle and wrap I get pretty unique flowers, add old lace, add fabric that has been painted and you have your own make your mark flowers. This was the photo that inspired my creations.



Inspirations-The swirls and dots on the vintage wedding dress


Inspiration-Vintage Botanical prints

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Inspiration-Mexican Paper flowers