Changes…That is what life is all about. When you hit the 50-year-old mark, well changes start to accelerate. You feel a bit…well redundant, old, saggy, and left out for the recycling bin.

IMG_6423First, you go through the depths of menopause, your body gaining an instant 10-20 pounds, your face detailed by lines, your hair thinning, yet growing facial hair. Go figure. It is a time of self-hate for many of us. You can’t really figure out how you got here. How you got to be such a hag. Well, at least that is how you feel, or at least I have.

But changes don’t have to be all bad. There are some things we can do to reach beyond what our outer images are telling us, and remake ourselves into what we believe we can be, or we can just give up and complain about the changes. I am choosing to remake myself into the change that is birthing me.

Really, the only thing that is consistent in life is change. So mine as well go with the flow and see how we can make the best of it. This is not resigning mind you. It is accepting and then doing your best to integrate the change in your life and to learn what works at your age, and beyond, and what doesn’t.

I am not thirty anymore, I shouldn’t dress it because I feel like a fool. But then if your archetype is the fool, by all means, go for it. This is what I am exploring right now.

We each are born with an archetype that guides our lives within their cycles and seasons. You may be a mistress in your thirties and a Madonna in your fifties. your clothes, habitat, shape, and mindset change. What is so disconcerting to many of us, me included, is trying to figure out how to navigate the change that is before us. So that is my experiment from now on in this blog. Finding out about the archetypes that guide us, offering suggestions and visuals about lifestyle (food, fashion, homes, exercises, interiors) and inner work that those archetypes are guiding us to, and then hopefully together we can make a map.

Cast jewelry reminders of love, protection and care

These are small love charms etches with reminders of love, and drawings of my favourite things. Carry it like a token or wear it on a strip of leather, or make a turquoise necklace and attach it to it…Have a fantastic day…Remember you are loved!


Custom Ex-Votos for you…

Custom Ex-votos painted on tin or on small canvases for you to remember your wishes dreams, goals, and gratitudes…


Ex-Votos small miracle paintings..Custom Made for you




Small miracle painting for a rescue from a snow storm. A miracle of safety for anyone who has been stranded by the side of the road during a snow storm.

Ex-Votos…little miracle paintings

I can make custom paintings for you on any of your wishes, dreams, goals, or gratitudes…IMG_7157

Why Paint, Why Create

How many times have you woken up and thought…Well …”why bother?”

I often do and I call those thoughts wormwood thoughts…Wormwood is an ugly green bugurish kind of creature that loves to sabotage anything I want to do with my life. If it were up to wormwood (CS Lewis”s devil character in the famous Screwtape letters) I would sit on the couch eating potato chips and doing nothing all day. Then I could listen to Wormwood belittle me all day. I know, a cyclic stream of self-defeating banter.

I choose not to listen to it most times…But there are days where wormwood screams and well I just succumb to the negative banter in my head.

So in order to keep wormwood at bay, I paint every morning. A way to bring beauty into a world that seems increasingly negative. Negative and bloody movies, negative news, negative conversations, gloom and doom.

I had a thought a few weeks ago that this year I am painting the world beautiful. I will start out my day painting pretty things…things that bring a smile to my face and hopefully yours. I am going to resume my practice of painting little miracles…the ex-votos I have been painting for years. I am going to make my little sterling silver charms and talismans. Something to carry with us or wear that just gives us that little bit of a nudge to keep positive. So this my friends is my new years resolution. I am striving to paint the world beautiful in my own way , be deed, by artwork, by jewelry making, surface pattern design, painting my furniture..whatever. As long as I make a beautiful act a day, treat someone with kindness through out the day…Just make the world more beautiful.

IMG_7082 Join me if you will… and let’s all paint the world beautiful!


Warmest wishes for the new Year!

May you all be blessed!



Little Miracles-Milagros

Milagros (also known as an ex-voto or dijes or promesas) are religious folk charms that are traditionally used for healing purposes and as votive offerings in Mexico, the southern United States, other areas of Latin America, and parts of the Iberian peninsula.IMG_7155

Share a Little Love….

IMG_7130Share a little love! Whether it be a love note placed under someone’s coffee mug, a hug, a handshake…Just anything..share a little love today…That is my love note to you. Wishing you a day full of love notes…Here is a big huge hug to you. Have a great day…

Today we were blessed with snow.We don’t often get snow here in far west Texas so it sure is a dream. The girls are going to have a blast running and playing in the snow then hot chocolate afterwards…snow angels..snow ball fights…So we got a universal love note…Enjoy your day!

Little Miracles-Painted Gratitudes, and Miracles, Wishes and Dreams

I Love to Paint Little Miracles…That is what I like to call them anyway. A visual dream, a miracle that has happened or you wish to happen (like an Offering), wishes, goals. I paint these for a lot of people. Probably about 250  maybe more…they are such happy tokens of love.

The little miracles are painted as a way to make your goals, wishes, dreams, miracles, prayers, and gratitudes visible. Wishing you blessings and little miracles…